Manca neve/Lack of snow in Lake Tahoe, California, USA. (5 Comments)

This is the reply I received to my e-mail, requesting some help and assistance in covering Lake Tahoe:

“Ciao Andrea,
Unfortunately I am going to have to pass on hosting you for your Global Warming story. If you are traveling any other time and would like to visit Heavenly with other story options please contact me.
Thanks and goodluck,”

The pictures above are a collection of webcam shots, taken at the same time today, from various resorts all around Lake Tahoe. The situation is far from normal…it reminds me about last year on the Alps.

Questa è la risposta che ho ricevuto alla mia mail di richiesta assistenza nel documentare Lake Tahoe:

“Ciao Andrea,
Sfortunatamente non possiamo ospitarti per la tua storia sul riscaldamento globale. Se tornerai in futuro e vorrai visitare Heavenly per un altro tipo di reportage, per favore contattami.
Grazie e buona fortuna.”

Le foto sopra sono una collezione di foto di webcams prese alla stessa ora di oggi, in vari comprensori sciistici intorno a Lake Tahoe. La situazione è abbastanza seria…mi ricorda l’anno scorso sulle Alpi.

5 Responses to “Manca neve/Lack of snow in Lake Tahoe, California, USA.”

    1. Tiger November 27th, 2007 at 10:50 PM

      Neeevicaaaa qua:-)

    1. Tiger November 27th, 2007 at 10:53 PM

      Ma quale era il motivo di rifiuto? Essere nemefregista per la natura?

    1. haero November 28th, 2007 at 8:22 AM

      Ciao Tigrotta, il rifiuto è evidente, non vogliono che io vada li a filmare la poca neve che c’era. Quindi se torno con altre intenzioni, allora mi potranno aiutare…incredibile ma vero!!!

    1. Bzy Bee November 28th, 2007 at 7:30 PM

      CIAO.. Wow their response is baffling. The whole idea for your documentary is ‘where is the snow’ maybe they would like to think they have or had snow and you exposing it on a documentary will expose their lack of crediablity for tourist. Therefore if they refuse you cant expose them…. its selfish to say the least as the whole idea is to let the world know the consequence of global warming.This is a wierd thing to say but have you thought of making contact with Leonardo di Caprio. He is a BIG anti-global Warming activist. Seeing you in the US that would make sense. I am thinking exposure etc. Maybe a shot in the dark but worth the try. Lots of sunny wishes from Africa. oxox

    1. haero November 28th, 2007 at 8:41 PM

      Did u see that Bee?
      How biased can they possibily be?
      Isn’t that outrageous?
      I don’t know if I can make it to Tahoe, as I’m just arrive in Alaska!!
      And I will be traveling all the way down to Colorado before the 15th of january.
      I know about Di Caprio, I will try to contact him for sure, I had thought about it.
      Hugz from the last frontier!!
      Ciao Bee!

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