
Archive for June, 2009

Kalaallit Nunaat independent! (2 Comments)

Greenland Independent!

“Matumannga Wikipedia
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Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) nunarsuarmi qeqertat annersaraat. Nunavittakkaani amerika avannarlermut ilaavoq, kisiannili europamut politikkikkut attaveqarnerulluni.

Kalaallit Nunaat Savalimmiut assigalugit Danmark kunngeqarfiannut atavoq naalagaaffeqatigiinnerup iluaniilluni.

5. juni 1953 tikillugu Kal.Nun. Dk-mit nunasiaatigineqarpoq. Ulloq tassanimiit Kal.Nun. Dk inuttaalu assigalugit naligiimmik innuttaatinneqalerput, taamaalilluni Dk-p tunngaviusumik inatsisaa aamma allanngortinneqarluni. 1978-imi kalaallit namminersornerulernissamut taasitinneqarput, kinguneralugu 1. maj 1979, namminersornerulerneq eqqunneqarluni. Assinganik qinersisoqaqqippoq 2008-mi, namminersornermut kalaallit angerlutik, 21. juni 2009 aallarnerfigalugu. Namminersorneq aallaavigivaa, akisussaaffiit arlallit dk-meersut kal. nun. tiguartuaarnissaat taamaalilluni oqartussaaffiit kalaallinit tiguneqartuaartussaallutik. Aningaasalersorneqarnera 3 mia. sinnilaarlugit ukiumut dk-mit tunniunneqartarnissaat aamma siunniunneqarpoq.”

location of Greenland

Da Wikipedia:

“La Groenlandia (in danese: Grønland letteralmente “terra verde”, e in groenlandese: Kalaallit Nunaat, letteralmente: “Terra degli uomini”) è un’isola situata tra Islanda e Canada coperta da ghiacci per l’84% della sua superficie. Essa è l’isola più estesa al mondo, poiché l’Australia, ancora più grande, viene considerata un continente. Geograficamente fa parte del continente americano.

Nel 2008 gli abitanti della Groenlandia hanno votato per trasferire più competenze al governo locale. La decisione è divenuta effettiva il 21 giugno 2009, data in cui la Groenlandia è stata riconosciuta come uno Stato sovrano. Il Regno di Danimarca, rimasto in carica solo per politica estera, sicurezza e finanze, provvederà alla Groenlandia un sussidio annuale di 3.4 miliardi di corone (corrispondenti a 457 milioni di Euro) l’anno, più di 8000€ per abitante.

From WIkipedia:

“Greenland (Danish: Grønland; Kalaallisut: Kalaallit Nunaat, meaning “Land of the Greenlanders”[3]) is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Though physiographically a part of the continent of North America, Greenland has been politically associated with Europe (specifically Denmark) since the 18th century. In 1979, Denmark granted home rule to Greenland, with a relationship known in Danish as Rigsfællesskabet, and in 2008 Greenland voted to transfer more competencies to the local government. This became effective on 21 June 2009, with the Danish royal government remaining in charge only of foreign affairs, security and financial policy, and providing a subsidy of Dkr3.4 billion ($633m), or over $11,300 per Greenlander, each year.”

In questa prima metà del 2009, funestata da terremoti, naturali e politici, guerre, morti di grandi artisti controversi, elezioni, guerre e tutte le altre attività dell’umanità schiava di se stessa, un evento lieto è passato inosservato: la Groenlandia è diventata uno stato sovrano!!!

Grow your home / Pianta la tua casa (No Comments)

Once again, thanks Christie for the notice (-:D

Home 2009 (No Comments)

“In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it’s too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth’s riches and change its patterns of consumption.

More than a movie, HOME will be a major event all over the globe : for the first time ever, a film will be released on the same day in over 50 countries and on every format : movie theatres, TV, DVD and Internet.

On June 5th we all have a date with the planet !”

Check this other link, it’s critical to the realization of the movie, but also quite controversial in my opinion: some of the world largest corporations funding a movie showing what THEY are causing to our planet?

You know, naysayers keep barking that there is no global warming, and that all this “propaganda” is funded by George Soros and other ultra-rich pigs. What to make of such a beautiful and eye opening movie, with those controversial sponsorships?


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