
Archive for the ‘videos’ Category

From Jorge to Giorgio through Long Way Dany (2 Comments)

Italiano (uk flagEnglish here)

From Jorge to Giorgio through Long Way Dany, aka Daniele Ciccone profession “World Traveler”
La professione più antica del mondo?
Ci fanno credere che sia il meretricio, perchè viviamo in un mondo marcio, ma è proprio la tua professione attuale ad essere la? più antica, Daniele.
I nostri antenati eran nomadi, Bruce Chatwin li ha seguiti e studiati ovunque, e per quanto mi riguarda ha dimostrato che chi sta fermo marcisce. Giorgio Bettinelli dal canto suo, ha ampiamente descritto e denunciato le condizioni di vita dei “nativi” dei posti che ha visitato. Quasi tutti ex-nomadi, quasi tutti messi malissimo. Sulvitur ambulando!!!
Avanti tutta fra!
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Borney Adapted Snowboard System (B.A.S.S.) (No Comments)

Il sogno di una ragazza tetraplegica realizzato da un geniale e visionario maestro di snowboard/tecnico sportivo, presidente dell’Aspert, un’associazione no-profit per la promozione dello sport per tutti.
Commuoversi mentre si filma, bagnare il mirino di lacrime di commozione, grazie ad Andrea Borney l’inventore e maestro di Snowboard dal cuore enorme.

The dream of a tetraplegic girl made reality by a genial and visionary Snowboard Instructor, president of Aspert, a no-profit association promoting the accessibility to sports to everybody.
To get emotional while filming, wet the viewfinder with tears, thanks to Andrea Borney, the inventor and big hearted Snowboard instructor.

Home 2009 (No Comments)

“In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it’s too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth’s riches and change its patterns of consumption.

More than a movie, HOME will be a major event all over the globe : for the first time ever, a film will be released on the same day in over 50 countries and on every format : movie theatres, TV, DVD and Internet.

On June 5th we all have a date with the planet !”

Check this other link, it’s critical to the realization of the movie, but also quite controversial in my opinion: some of the world largest corporations funding a movie showing what THEY are causing to our planet?

You know, naysayers keep barking that there is no global warming, and that all this “propaganda” is funded by George Soros and other ultra-rich pigs. What to make of such a beautiful and eye opening movie, with those controversial sponsorships?

NAZIONALE SBX IN TRAINING @ Cervinia part II (No Comments)

Nazionale SBX in training @ Cervinia part II

di haero

Questo video documenta i ragazzi della Nazionale Italiana SnowBoarderCross mentre si allenano a Cervinia.

Già sono comparsi su questo blog, per mezzo dei soliti video strampalati messi insieme da “yours truly”, CCO della Unusual Multimedia.

Nonostante le tute ridicole (imposte dalla federazione…), i problemi di budget, le trasferte faraway da pagarsi di tasca propria, la quasi totale assenza dai media, Nuvola, Pozzo (Luca e Ste) e i loro ragazzi vanno avanti a forza di passione e duro lavoro.

Grazie a chi dedica 10 minuti della sua esistenza a questo video.

edit di giugno 2009: pare che natgeoadventure abbia ricambiato di nuovo tutti i codici per l’embed…non ho parole…mi scuso con chi gira nei meandri del blog e non vede i video. Da ora in poi solo embed da youtube o vimeo.


This video documents the training of the Italian SnowboarderCross National Team, in Cervinia, Italy.

Despite all the difficulties and the low budget, they put enormous passion in their efforts, and through hard work the results are a-coming.

The Age Of Stupid (Chamonix sequence)… (No Comments)

My mate Christie Liebenberg told me about this new movie coming up. It’s called The Age Of Stupid, starring Pete Postlethwaite. Now, you may think, here’s yet another documentary about global warming made by a celebrity, to scare people and make money, by surfing the Global Warning scam wave…

If you think so, well, YOU’RE STUPID, period.

P.S.:I chose this trailer, because they cleverly filmed Southern Chamonix from the running train. I happen to live in one of the houses scrolling by…


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