Snowboard in Australia – Thredbo…on the slopes (8 Comments)

English text below.

Finalmente il sole!

Sulle piste di Thredbo, a tastare il polso a questo carissimo villaggio simil-appenninico vecchio di 50 anni, incastrato a forza tra stupende foreste di eucalipti. Viene da chiedersi se fosse stato meglio lasciare in piedi tutte le piante che hanno abbattutto. Ma The Snow Must Go On.

E allora up and down and merry go round, più o meno, alternando smadonnaggio a malcelato sarcasmo. Piste abbastanza lunghe (anche se solo il 50% degli impianti erano aperti), come sugli appennini, pendenze rispettabili, impianti moderni. Le ancora in alto sono l’unica soluzione. Questi aprono pure con le tempeste, chi ha girato un pò il sud del mondo sa benissimo di cosa parlo. L’atmosfera ruota di 90°C qui giù, attaccandoti da ogni lato.

immagino che in inverno sia più bello e più fruibile. Il managment del tutto latitante, non mi hanno risposto alle mails, per telefono mi hanno promesso un tour dello snow making (!), forse…se la tirano capito?

Ma va a ciapà li ratt, che abbondano tra quelle foreste!


Finally the Sun shines!

Here I am, on the slopes of this 50 years old appenine-like artificial village, carved in lush eucaliptus forests, testing the pulse of Thredbo expensive snow experience. One wonders if it would’ve been better to leave the forest standing…but The Snow Must Go On.

And up I go. And all around too. Half of the slopes were closed, I forgot to mention that in the video. They are long enough tough. I suppose that in july or august, with the right conditions, one can have fun. Dreadful T-bar high up, a must, as they open even in adverse atmospheric conditions. And down here, it’s sideways when stormy, it knocks you down.

I tried to contact the management (I received no reply to my emails), and I was offered a possible tour of the snowmaking, on the phone. The person upstairs, must’ve been to busy to talk to me in person…you know, a rainy and pretty bad day at the very end of the season…how busy can you be?

Anyway, in Milan they say, go to hunt for rats…and there are a lot of them among those eucaliptus trees…

8 Responses to “Snowboard in Australia – Thredbo…on the slopes”

    1. BzyBee October 3rd, 2007 at 11:05 AM

      What an awful service industry they are running. i wonder if they realise the importance of your work to the rest of the world and global warming.Sad for them, they clearly need to be left alone in the ‘forest’i think that maybe if that is the attitude they should have left the trees standing…i am glad you didnt experience lack of hospitality at Tiffindell

    1. Tiger October 3rd, 2007 at 11:06 AM

      Sweeeet child, chiiild of mine:-)

    1. Guido October 3rd, 2007 at 11:51 AM

      Well well, that reminds me of a little ski resort in the middle of Spain, Navacerrada. Good to se some real snow footage at last, i hope for more from NZ.
      Ciao, Guido,
      NICE SHIFTY by the way!

    1. haero October 3rd, 2007 at 11:51 AM

      You got it Bee. Attitude is the word. They didn’t treat me well at all. But it doesn’t matter. The place and the prices speaks by themselves. Lousy snowboard gear for a half day at 99 $, half day skipass for 81 $. Need I say more?
      Yes, all the staff is grumpy and unfriendly, some are snobby and hangover, and you are asking too much questions. You know the types. I surely miss Tiffindell and all you guys!!!

    1. haero October 3rd, 2007 at 11:53 AM

      Eh eh ciao Guidone, the shifty looks nice because of the fish eye lens, I must’ve been like 50cm from the ground 🙂

      Tomorrow the remarkables, 20cm of powder at the end of season…:-)

    1. haero October 3rd, 2007 at 11:54 AM

      Buona notte tigrotta 🙂

    1. Tiger October 3rd, 2007 at 6:55 PM

      Per te buona giornata era. Cmq la gente cosi mi fa incazzare tanto lo sai, pero esiste, mah, un bacione

    1. haero October 4th, 2007 at 4:42 AM

      L’ho fatta diventare una bella giornata lo stesso Tigre, bisogna fare buon viso a cattivo gioco diciamo in Italia. Wi fi in stanza finalmente!!!

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