
Archive for July, 2007

Haero on Blog Notes, Nat Geo Adventure (6 Comments)

Lunedì 9 luglio (compleanno di mia sorella Anita) alle 19.00 con repliche, è andato in onda il mio clip su Nat Geo Adventure. In caso ve lo fosse perso, eccolo sul mio blog.

Monday 9 july at 19.00, my clip was broadcasted on Blog Notes, Nat Geo Adventure. Here it is, in case you missed it.

Unuzual Multimedia Job 0 (2 Comments)

Il teaser del lavoro per il Parco Avventura Mont Blanc (

E’ con immenso piacere e sollievo (vista la mole di lavoro a cui abbiamo fatto fronte io e il socio Maurizio) che vi annuncio la nascita della Unuzual Multimedia. Nel futuro cercheremo di occuparci di tutti gli aspetti del multimedia con un occhio di riguardo agli sport estremi e alla montagna, senza disdire altri ambiti. Per aspera ad astra.

The teaser for Mont Blanc Adventure Park (

I’m pleasured and relieved to announce you the birth of Unuzual Multimedia. In the future we will try to apply multimedia to extreme sports, the mountain and other fields, to create premium packages. Per aspera ad astra.

One year later | Un anno dopo, Nat Geo Adventure. (No Comments)


La foto che vedete esplica quante volte sono stati visti i videos che ho caricato su Sono a più di 43 mila hits, e il ritmo è ormai incalzante; quasi mille hits al giorno!
Continuate così! (-:D

The picture above states that my videos on were viewed by more than 43 thousand users, and the pace is mounting; nearly a thousand new hits per day!
Keep it up guys! (-:D

Cham, a book by Jonathan Trigell (2 Comments)
A book to be published in october 2007, written by a friend of mine from Chamonix. The synopsis is magnetic. I can’t wait to read it. Keep it up Jon!

cham by Jon Trigell

The Beach on ice: deep powder, dead poets and moral free-fall in the death-sport capital of the world. Long-dead Lord Byron started it. He was the rock star of his age, but also a poet with about as much relevance to the blood grudge struggle that marks modern life for most of humanity as he has to the practice of sliding down snowy slopes on planks of wood. And yet, it was thanks to Byron that Itchy ended up living in Chamonix Mont Blanc, the death-sport capital of the world, among the high mountains and low morals. In the intervening years, he has tried hard with alcohol and adrenaline to numb a past he can’t atone for. Now a serial rapist is stalking Cham’s tourist-thronged streets, haunting the same shadows as Itchy and triggering an obsession which will lead him far from Europe’s zenith, to the depths of the valley and himself. This is a striking evocation of a world where the reckless violence of a callow man’s life comes back to haunt him. This work is presented by the author of the John Llewellyn Rhys prize-winner “Boy A”. It is exhilarating and action-packed, with all the psychological acuity of “Boy A”. It provides widespread review coverage in men’s magazines and national press. ‘The first time Itchy came here even the road up was like a call to arms. It’s raised on great soaring stone pillars, which look like they were looted from the Titans, but it feels as if it was made before even those pregods. As if it surged from the centre of the earth with the same unfathomable energy that forced up the crag-ragged ridges on either side. Chamonix is indeed a mythical place, a mystical place: where civilisation confronted the wilderness and for once they agreed to differ; undefeated; the undisputed free-ride capital; the death-sport centre of the world. All of the first mountains ever assailed were climbed from here. The history of Alpinism itself is a history of Cham. Chamonix is where it all began.’

JamHaeroWay 3D logo (No Comments)

Questo è il work in progress del logo di JamHaeroWay, il secondo argomento del mio progetto di viaggio intorno al Mondo. Si tratta di un aereo bomboletta spray, un nuovo modo di volare, un JamHaeroPlano in pratica. L’idea è caricare virtualmente tutti gli amici per portali in giro con me. Prenota il tuo biglietto allora, tra 21 giorni si parte!!!

This is the work in progress of JamHaeroWay logo, the second topic of my round the World travel project. It’s basically a spraycan plane, a new way to fly, a JamHaeroPlane. This is intended to virtually carry all my friends with me, in this fantastic trip. Get your tickets then, departure in 21 days!


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