New Zealand – Christchurch to Aoraki (Mt. Cook) (No Comments)

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Video di trasferimovimento da Christchurch a Aoraki-Mt.Cook che con i suoi 3,754 m (12,316 ft) è la vetta più alta dell’australiasia.

Dapprima era coperto dalle nuvole, ma poi mentre il bus percorreva la strada costeggiante Lake Pukaki, s’è rivelato in tutta la sua maestosità, bucando le nuvole, come per onorare ai miei occhi il nome datogli dai Maori: Aoraki appunto, “il bucanuvole”.



Transfer video from Christchurch to Aoraki Mt. Cook, the highest peak in australasia with its 12,316 feet (3754 m for metric minds).

It was first hidden among clouds, but then when the bus was on the way back along lake Pukaki, it showed us all its magnificence, piercing the clouds, like if to pay respect to the way the Maori named it: Aoraki, that is “the cloud piercer” indeed.


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