RTW07 – Queenstown, impact / l’impatto (2 Comments)

English text below.

Impatto dolce. La splendida cittadina di Queenstown è sulla mappa grazie alle innumerevoli attività adrenaliniche disponibili, ma per i primi giorni ho deciso di prendermela un pò comoda e approfittare del sole e delle poche belle giornate per pause riflessive.

Il parco è molto bello, come solo gli anglos sanno fare. Altro che non calpestare le aiuole. Alberi magnifici, fiori che ti rallegrano, peace love unity and having fun. Mettici poi il pond piatto e infestato da placide anatre, il panorama mozzafiato dei Remarkables, il lago Wakatipu blu cobalto….e se non fosse per il bordello dei jetboat e del barcone vecchio di 100 anni che sputa fumo nero, il quadro sarebbe veramente idilliaco.

Donne, volevate un bell’esemplare maschile, che ne dite del manzo di fine video? Un vero atleta, che sprezzante del pericolo recupera il suo pallone da Rugby…lol lol lol


Soft landing. The magnificent little Queenstown is on the maps thanks to the countless adrenalin activities available, but for the first few days I decided to take it easy and profit of the nice sun and the few nice days to meditate and take good pictures.

The park is very tidy and well maintained, as only the anglo-saxons can do. You can step on the grass, indeed. Majestic trees, colorful flowers, peace love unity and having fun. Put in it a still pond, ripped only by peaceful ducks, the panorama of the Remarkables, Lake Wakatipu cobalt blue…and if it wasn’t for the noise of the jetboats and for the black smoke puffed by the 100 more years old boat sailing the lake, the picture would be pretty ideal.

Women readers, you’ve been asking for some nice male exemplars, how about the chubby athlete at the end of the video? (-:D

2 Responses to “RTW07 – Queenstown, impact / l’impatto”

    1. Bzy Bee October 22nd, 2007 at 10:36 AM

      Look the sun is out!! do you even know what that is anymore? Looks like a very splendid place.True untouched beauty.We are so honoured that you bring to us these beautiful far away places through your eyes. we would never know what lies out there… as for your finale in the video, reminds me of a Walrus! ;-0

    1. Tiger October 22nd, 2007 at 9:04 PM

      Che bel lago Haero:-) Bacione

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