Allenamenti/training con/with Fabrizio Lovati in Alaska (1 Comment)
Sled dog blue eyes
Lovati name plate

English text below.

Un assaggio della mia esperienza recente, ospite del kennel di Fabrizio Lovati, mio amico Musher di Courmayeur. Nel video gli allenamenti, col quad purtroppo, per mancanza di neve. Ci trovavamo a Hatcher’s Pass, un passo montano a un’ora di macchina da Willow che è la normale sede del kennel. Fabrizio e il suo team, composto dai suoi portentosi e stupendi cani, e da Jamie e Jason, sono soliti uscire direttamente dal kennel con la slitta, ma quest’anno non c’è abbastanza neve. E’ ormai una realtà, non nevica più come una volta nemmeno in Alaska!

Buona fortuna a Fabrizio e il suo team per l’Iditarod 2008!


A brief taste of my experience in Alaska hosted by my friend Fabrizio Lovati at his kennel in Willow. He’s training for the 2008 Iditarod Race. Unfortunately, there is lack of snow again. Fabrizio and his team usually run dogs directly from the Willow (the musher’s capital of the World) kennel, but this year they had to go running dog up on Hatcher’s pass, one hour drive toward Talkeetna. And even up there, not enough snow to run dogs with the sled. They were forced to use snow mobiles and quads, as you can see on my video. It is a fact, it doesn’t snow as well as it used to, not even in Alaska!

Good luck to Fabrizio and his team for the 2008 Iditarod!

One Response to “Allenamenti/training con/with Fabrizio Lovati in Alaska”

    1. Tiger December 28th, 2007 at 6:10 PM

      Che figata, some un sogno:-)

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