
Archive for the ‘friends’ Category

Ciao Antonio. (5 Comments)

Stop all the clocks,
Cut off the telephones,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum,
Bring out the coffin,
Let the mourners come.
Let the aeroplanes circle
Mourning overhead,
Scribbling on the sky,
the message: He is dead .

Put crepe bows round
The white necks of the public droves,
Let traffic policemen
Wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South,
my East and West.
My working week and
My Sunset rest,
My noon,
my midnight
My talk,
my song;

I thought my love would
Last forever.
I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now:
Put out everyone;
Pack up the moon
And dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean
And sweep up the wood;
For nothing now
can ever come to any good.

W.H. Alden

Un abbraccio fraterno, con gli occhi liquefatti.

Opachee Team – Clorophilla on/su Geo & Geo (8 Comments)

English text below.

Geo & Geo su RAITRE ha incontrato e intervistato l’Opachee Team, composto da mio fratello Vito e gli altri amici, attori autori e produttori del famoso video di mountain bike freeride Clorophilla, nel loro habitat naturale, le montagne del massiccio del Gran Sasso intorno a L’Aquila.
Buona visione!


Geo & Geo on RAITRE (Italian national TV) met and interviewed the Opachee Team, which has among its members my brother Vito, and the other friends that were authors, actors and producers of the world famous Clorophilla, a very innovative freeride MTB video, in their natural habitat, the mountains of the Gran Sasso massif, around L’Aquila in central Italy.

David Cartier, free spirit chasing horizons and auroras. (8 Comments)
aurora borealis by David Cartier

Alaska Direct bus ride from Fairbanks Alaska, USA, to Whitehorse Yukon, Canada, along the Alcan highway. An amazing journey, with an surprising driver.
David profile on Flickr says it all about this amazing human being:

Canadian born and partly raised… (It’s a long story) … But … floated down the Yukon River for 3 months in my younger days and got trapped in Alaska for 25 yrs. Mostly in a remote Yupik Eskimo village, 600 miles from the nearest road. Spent the last few winters travelling in SE Asia, but missed the Northern Lights and am now back in the Yukon Territory, running the only transportation link between Alaska and the Canadian Yukon.

Borders irritate me …I prefer to think of myself as “Civis Mundanus”… a citizen of this beautiful WORLD.

I love to do amateur astronomy with my 5 inch refractor, read voraciously (history, science, Latin & Greek Classics) and play with all my ancient film cameras, especially in the dark of night.
I also love scouring the mountains of Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories for the fossil remnants of ancient worlds … My next Flickr project is to photograph my fossil collection, if I ever get around to it.
I really don’t care for contests, prizes, etc…. am kind of turned off by all that ….. What I love about Flickr is the marvel of being able to share my love of nature with people all around the world……. As well as to see nature through their eyes….. As the last great American President , Thomas Jefferson,once said ….” There is not so much as a blade of grass, anywhere in Nature, that does not interest me”
In doing photography, I use a variety of interesting old film cameras and , most recently, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1 digital w/ 10x Leica Zoom.
While I’m in awe of the art created by photographers using Photoshop, etc. I don’t really think of what I do as art …more like a loving chronicling of Nature, to which I like to maintain a certain fidelity. I like my images to be as true as possible to how they were experienced, especially my Northern Lights pix (all film shots), to which end i will occasionally mess with the brightness and contrast in Windows Photo Gallery, if Walmart doesn’t do a great job printing, but that’s about it.
I’m happy to share … anybody can use my images for anything they want,
My gratitude goes out to all who share my impressions of nature here….. I enjoy comments largely ’cause they take me to YOUR sites, where I am constantly amazed and inspired.

I’m Male.

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

His photos are amazing. He deserves full exposure, I’d love to see his pictures in a book or several ones. During the 10 h drive we stopped many times, to take pictures and film, and in beaver Creek, shortly after having picked up the only other passenger, we saw an Aurora. It wasn’t like the one in the picture above, but for me it was magic. The first Aurora I’ve ever seen. Congratulations David, keep it up, never stop chasing those wide wild horizons and those unique light shows above Yukon’s and Alaska’s wilderness.

Rad Moves Snowboard Club, L’Aquila, Italy (No Comments)

English text below.

Roberto dei Rad Moves mi ha mandato un video sul mio Myspace, su un’uscita a Montecristo, massiccio del Gran Sasso, a metà novembre. M’è venuto il groppo in gola. A Campo Imperatore, l’impianto più famoso del centro Italia, ho mosso i primi impacciatissimi passi sullo snowboard. Ero vestito in maniera oscena: moncler, tuta da sci con sopra pantaloni workwear Carhartt, guantoni di Mickey Mouse souvenir di Disneyland, cappellone ricamato dall’enorme Mamma Lisa e mascherina da sci di mio Padre. Era fine 1995. Molta neve è caduta da quel giorno, molte piste discese con gli amici o la musica come compagnia. The Snow Must Go On, the Rad Moves Club must go on either!

Roberto dei Rad Moves sent me this video on my Myspace. It’s a snowboard day in mid november this year. Montecristo il the location, Gran Sasso massif in central Italy. On this very mountain, I started snowboarding in 1995. I was dressed like a clown, Mickey Mouse gloves, Carhartt workwear pants and a fashionable french down jacket…tons of snow fell since then, countless riding days spent with friends or music in my ears. The Snow Must Go On, the Rad Moves Club must go on either!

Una Cadrega in Nepal – (1 Comment)

Cliccate sulle foto per leggere l’articolo:

Picture 1.jpg Picture 2.jpg
Picture 3.jpg Picture 4.jpg

Impresa affascinante, con l’imprevisto pericoloso finale, e la promessa di tornarci ai piedi dell’Everest. Mauro Vanoli, aka Selvatiko, esploratore di Como, altro che turisti fai da te. Pellaccia dura, modi spicci e sinceri, gran cuore ma selvatikume garantito.

Questa frase in particolare si addice a quello che sto facendo io in questo periodo della mia vita:

Oramai ho perso il conto delle volte in cui, nel rito della ripresa-video, mi trovo a ripercorrere la stessa strada: treppiede aperto, telecamera su Rec, sfilata con la “cadrega” fino ad uscir dall’inquadratura, bagaglio a terra, e indietro, a recuperare tutto e pigiare stop.


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