
Archive for October, 2007

New Zealand – Christchurch to Aoraki (Mt. Cook) (No Comments)

English text below.

Video di trasferimovimento da Christchurch a Aoraki-Mt.Cook che con i suoi 3,754 m (12,316 ft) è la vetta più alta dell’australiasia.

Dapprima era coperto dalle nuvole, ma poi mentre il bus percorreva la strada costeggiante Lake Pukaki, s’è rivelato in tutta la sua maestosità, bucando le nuvole, come per onorare ai miei occhi il nome datogli dai Maori: Aoraki appunto, “il bucanuvole”.



Transfer video from Christchurch to Aoraki Mt. Cook, the highest peak in australasia with its 12,316 feet (3754 m for metric minds).

It was first hidden among clouds, but then when the bus was on the way back along lake Pukaki, it showed us all its magnificence, piercing the clouds, like if to pay respect to the way the Maori named it: Aoraki, that is “the cloud piercer” indeed.


Coast to coast in 4 minutes! (No Comments)

A video about a guy that filmed his coast to coast and warped the speed of the resulting movie, making a beautiful time lapse. Thanks to Michael Stearne from Queenstown for the link!

Un video di un tizio che ha filmato il suo coast to coast da Los Angeles a NYC, montando a velocità supersonica il video, creando un bellissimo time lapse. Grazie a Michael Stearne di Queenstown per la segnalazione!

New Zealand – Xchurch Surf – New Brighton (6 Comments)

English text below.

Sapevo che in Nuova Zelanda si praticasse anche il surf ma non credevo che fosse così esposto agli agenti naturali, per così dire.

Anche d’estate infatti, muta integrale, l’acqua dell’Oceano Pacifico non è mai calda a queste latitudini.

La pioggerellina inglese che ha caratterizzato il venerdì e il sabato, ha smesso di rompere i cosiddetti solo nel pomeriggio di domenica, e anche se non è stata rimpiazzata da un bel sole, il settembre canterburino ci ha permesso di fare una passeggiata sul pontile di New Brighton. Solita fantasia degli anglosassoni nel dare nomi alle terre nuove.

Il nome stesso della Nuova Zelanda, deriva dall’olandese Nieuw Seeland, cioè nuova terra nel mare…fate vobis!

Chapeau ai surfisti, uno dei quali aveva uno stance molto Maori sulla tavola, sembrava volesse fare la haka tra le onde (-:D
Notevole un suo amico sul pontile, tatuaggio facciale integrale, come in Once Were Warriors…truce!


I already knew that there’s good surf in New Zealand. But I didn’t think that it was so unpleasant, at least from a non surfer point of view.

Even in summer, full wetsuit as the water of the Pacific Ocean is never warm at these latitudes.

It’s been drizzling the whole of friday and saturday, but on sunday afternoon it stopped, although it didn’t clear up. We then went to New Brighton (how many New Brightons are there in the former British Empire?) for a stroll on the pier and a taste of the mighty sea.

Tribute to the surfers in New Zealand. One of them, had a stance that resembled a Maori during the Haka (-:D
A friend of his on the pier, had one of those dramatic but beautiful full face tattoos. Damn brave!

The World fastest Indian. (No Comments)

Sono arrivato a Invercagill, proprio oggi pomeriggio, e sono andato subito a vedere la moto di Burt Munro.

Incredibile quello che è riuscito a fare quest’ometto che viene dall’estremo sud del mondo. Ci ha messo 40 anni a costruire quella moto. Completamente a mano. Si faceva i pistoni fondendo metallo…

tributo a Burt Munro, da vicino casa sua a Invercagill. Domani vado a visitare la spiaggia dove si allenava…

Stay tuned for english version (-:D
In the mean time this is the link go to the wikipedia page

North America Planning (6 Comments)


This is the draft for an itinerary in North America. I’m currently jotting down the places I want to visit, and trying to comine the driving distances with the time I’d like to spend in each location.

This is the wishlist, with possible dates:

  • Arrive at LAX 18 November 2007.
  • Los Angeles to Mammoth Lakes on sat 24 nov 2007, ——–>7 hours drive
  • Mammoth Lakes to Silicon Valley on tue 27 nov 2007,——->6.30 h drive
  • San Francisco to Lake Tahoe on friday 30 nov 2007, ——–>3.30 h drive
  • Lake Tahoe to Mount Hood on thurs 06 dec 2007, ———–>11 h drive
  • Mount Hood to Seattle on sun 09 dec 2007, ——————>4.30 h drive
  • Seattle to Vancouver on mon 10 dec 2007, ——————>2.30 h drive
  • Vancouver to Whistler on wed 12 dec 2007, —————–>2.30 h drive
  • Whistler to Lake Louise on sat 15 dec 2007, —————–>10 h drive
  • Lake Louise to Whitehorse on tue 18 dec 2007, ——>34 h drive (oooooops…!!!!!)
  • Whitehorse to Anchorage on sat 22 dec 2007, —————>24 h drive

Then it goes on like this:

  • Anchorage to Seattle to Salt Lake city on sat 29 dec 2007, by airplane (I think there’s no direct flight from Anchorage to Salt Lake City or Anchorage to Denver)
  • Salt Lake City to Denver on mon 31 december 2007, 8 hours drive
  • Denver to NYC on 16 january 2008, hopefully with a direct flight

Whew, it’s a long one eh? Maybe I’ll have to cut something out, that’s why I ask for your help. Y’all more than welcome to leave comments and suggestions!


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