
Archive for February, 2008

130.000 + hits. Keep rockin’! (1 Comment)
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Thanks people of the web. Keep watching my crazy vids. More to come. Many many more.

Grazie a tutti, continuate a guardare i miei pazzi videos. Ne arriveranno altri, molti altri.

NYC impact (3 Comments)

English text below

New York City è la mia mecca per molte ragioni, una su tutte l’arte spray, derivata dalle style wars nella subway.

C’ero stato 12 anni fa l’ultima volta. L’ho trovata cambiata, in meglio e in peggio. Quello che mi ha colpito di più è la gente. Sembrano tutti senza cuore. Tutti digitali.

Rimane la magia, anche se il cuore rosso tra “I” e “NY” batte di rossi bits.

English text

NYC is my mecca for many reasons. The most important being spray art, that generated from the style wars on the subways.

My last visit was 12 years ago, and i found many changes in the city, for better or worse. What really struck me this time was the people. Heartless digital people.

The magic is untouched though, even if the red heart between “I” and “NY” beats like red binary digits…

Pancake Man (No Comments)

Fun and Yum!

Sleddog with/con Fabrizio Lovati (3 Comments)

Finalmente Alaska!

L’ultima frontiera, la chiamano. E hanno ragione. Selvaggia, tremendamente grande, stupenda, magica Alaska.

Ospite di Fabrizio Lovati, mio amico Musher di Courmayeur, ho avuto la fortuna di partecipare agli allenamenti dei suoi splendidi cani da slitta. Nel video quello che gli addetti ai lavori chiamano “to run the dogs”.

Purtroppo la mancanza di neve, che non mi ha tra l’altro permesso di fare snowboard in Alaska, a dicembre (!!!!!), ha costretto Fabrizio e il suo team ad allenarsi in montagna, ed anche li con quad o motoslitte, perchè con la slitta da sleddog sarebbe troppo pericoloso. Incredibile ma vero.

The Snow Must Go On anyway…

L’allenamento prosegue, il primo marzo parte l’Iditarod Race, l’ultima vera gara, e Fabrizio sarà tra i partenti anche quest’anno.
E’ appena arrivato terzo alla Tustumena, questo è il link:

Forza Fabrizio!


It’s known as the last frontier. They’re right. It’s wild, unforgiving, damn huge, beautiful, magic.

I was hosted by Fabrizio Lovati, a friend of mine from Courmayeur, that’s been mushing since the 80’s. He took me in the woods with his dogs as promised. That’s what you can see on the video, a training, that is in their lingo, running the dogs.

Unfortunately, since there was lack of snow, and by the way, I couldn’t snowboard in december in Alaska (!!!!), they had to go up on a mountain pass, and ride with quads or snow machines, as the sledge would’ve been too dangerous.

The training continues though and just recently Fabrizio finished the Tustumena on the third place, here is the link:

Forza Fabrizio, the Iditarod will start on march first, rock on, mush on!


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